Other information

AMBROSIUM is a company registered in SKopje in 2013.

Prior establishing the Agency we made thousands of dialogues with people from the Republic of Macedonia. We consulted literature in the area of psychology and developed a selection system that will satisfy the most demanding customers. The establishment of the company comes as a result of the need to reduce the stress and improve the trust among the genders that is increasingly confronted in the sphere of private life.

For all the questions and additional information, and as usual, the always welcome suggestions, please feel free to contact us on:
- Phone 
++389 (0)71 802735
++389 (0)78 897577
++389 (0)76 872473

- E-mail:
Working time Mon-Fri from 9-17 GMT+1. Please feel free to contact us and we will arrange a meeting to get to know you better

Sincerely Yours,
Emilija Golova